Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Good Parish Makes a Community

Catholic Parishes add so much to their communities. They are a place for people to bond and communicate with one another. Parishes depend on the service and love of the people in the community, so a parish becomes a source of pride for a town. What is neat is the sense of belonging is so strong in a community parish that members are always looking for ways to help or to improve the parish. Although money must be donated to keep a parish going, it is the donation of time and talent that brings a parish alive.

indianapolis 500 evolution

Many parishioners donate their talent to keep the parish buildings solid. Men and women work to clean the church and perhaps the parish school. People give of their time to cut the grass or shovel the snow. Local builders and carpenters examine the walls of the parish's buildings looking for cracks or holes, and then they happily give up time on a Saturday to use nail hole filler to make things solid again.


Teachers who work in Catholic Schools earn less pay then their public school counter-parts. This sacrifice at times is in the tens of thousands of dollars. The amazing thing is many of these same teachers give even more time to their parish to teach something like fimo clay projects to Sunday School students. This additional sacrifice on the part of some Catholic School teachers means more students throughout a community have the opportunity to learn about God from solid Religion Teachers.

A good Catholic Parish is run on a mission and a vision. In some ways a Catholic Parish is like a successful business.

A Good Parish Makes a Community

The American Art Clay Co is a successful business in Indianapolis, Indiana. Their steady growth and service to the art world is how a strong Catholic Parish sees its role in the community it serves. A Catholic Parish moves to work with its community and make the whole area a better place.

AMACO knows the importance of community. That is why when they expanded their facilities they stayed in the same area where they started over eighty-seven years ago. Indiana is lucky to have a solid company like AMACO. In the same way, the communities throughout the United States that are lucky enough to have a Catholic Parish should thank God for them. The American Art Clay Co tries hard to work with parishes to make their community alive with art. Fun fimo clay projects can make a Catholic School or a Sunday School so much better. And, AMACO is even willing to help fill in the holes in the walls with products like their nail hole filler. AMACO knows that a strong Catholic Parish does so much for a community through Faith, Love, and Service, so they are willing to make sure every parish is served with quality.


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