Variety is a spice of life-this saying has got its implication in regards to antenatal classes. The most popular classes offered for pregnant women are yoga and Pilates focused on toning, stretching, breathing and relaxation.
While I find those classes very beneficial and worth recommending for mums-to-be I would like to draw attention to aerobic training during pregnancy. Not every woman knows that performing cardiovascular exercises is very important and should not be neglected.
Aerobic training improves the efficiency of cardiovascular and respiratory system which is crucial not only during pregnancy. Your heart and lungs can and should be trained while expecting to benefit you and your baby. Touching that subject I would like to point out that holisic approach to training while expecting will definitely benefits a new-mum. Caring for the baby and finding yourself in new setting and coping with new duties will be a lot easier if your body is well trained. One of my client Alex turned to me shortly after her lovely daughter was born. She unfortunately did not exercise during pregnancy and found herself overwhelmed with the influx of new responsibilities-she complained about getting tired and getting out of breath very quickly. When we started working together and gradually improve her stamina she said: "I wish I had done it while I was pregnant-having all that time on my hands then. Now everything would be easier". From my experience I would suggest holistic approach to the training and fitness while expecting.
If finding an antenatal class with elements of aerobics is difficult you can begin walking program. As intensity of the workout is the key during pregnancy, bear in mind you are only training to maintain your fitness level not to improve it. Start of gently and progress gradually. Listen to your body and respect it-if you feel to tired cut down on intensity or duration. Intensity can be checked in various ways. I suggest the easiest option-Talk Test-you should be able to carry on conversation while exercising.
Sample of antenatal beginners walking program
Week 1-4: 10-15 minutes
Week 5-8: 20-25 minutes
Week 9-12: 25-30 minutes
Week 13-16:30-35 minutes
Afterwards maintain the duration of the workout and try to increase intensity.
Antenatal Classes - Benefits of Various Antenatal Exercise Classes
Always check with your doctor prior commencing any exercise program and if you have any questions regarding that topic or antenatal exercise classes contact me at
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