Saturday, November 26, 2011

Karate Classes - They Are All Different!

There are many different types of karate classes.

zumba classes

Sport karate classes focus on tournament training, traditional karate classes tend to focus on what people refer to as the three k's, Kumite (sparring), Kata (forms) and Kihon (basics).


Then within the sport and traditional karate dojo (training hall), there are no two the same.

Sensei (teacher) focus on different areas, some sport dojo, focus only on kumite, others focus only on kata, then there are the dojo who practice both. The same applies with the traditional dojo.

Then we come to the training itself, some dojo train extremely hard, some hardly do anything! Some work on power, some on speed, there are dojo who make heavy contact during kumite practice and others who never touch!

You have the schools that performs a twenty plus minute warm up and stretch, then you have the schools that have a twenty second warm up and stretch!

There are the instructors who focus on 'how to kill', then there are those who focus on the philosophy of the ancient masters.

There are disciplined karate dojo, where the training is very militaristic, then there are those where they have cigarette breaks!

We could go on and on, the karate class is developed around the individuals who run them, so the way to find the right karate class for you, is to go online and look at different karate resources, find a way you like the look of, then go and find karate classes in your area that match your results, they are out there!

Good luck and I hope you find the right karate class for you.

Karate Classes - They Are All Different!

Linden has been training and teaching karate for over 30 years and loves to share his knowledge and experiences from the karate dojo. Supplement your karate training with these free online videos, karate lessons for beginners.


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