Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Domestic Violence Classes

Domestic violence is one of the silent and hidden epidemics affecting millions of families in this country. Generally regarded as the physical, emotional or verbal abuse of a spouse or partner, domestic violence usually occurs through manipulation, intimidation and coercion. While in most cases the victim of domestic abuse is the woman in the relationship, this is not always the case. Women often batter and abuse their partners as well. As the courts have seen more and more cases of domestic violence, attending domestic violence classes has often become a stipulation or condition ordered by the courts. It is very likely that the majority of those attending these classes have been ordered to do so by the court, but there are some who attend of their own free will after coming to the realization that help is needed.

The purpose of domestic violence classes is to educate the perpetrator, either male or female, of the effects and consequences of domestic violence on his or her family. Not only is the abusers spouse or partner harmed by domestic violence, but the children living in the home may be extremely negatively impacted by the violence they witness or experience. These classes attempt to teach the batterer the importance of taking responsibility for their actions. Another objective is to help the abuser differentiate between anger that is appropriate and those behaviors that are considered violent and inappropriate. The classes also attempt to confront the abusers beliefs and attitudes that may be some of the underlying, contributing factors of the violence.


Court-ordered domestic violence classes must meet both state and county standards and are approved by the court. In general, if classes are court-ordered the classes cannot be taken online. However, in some cases this may be allowed, but the decision is up to the jurisdiction in which the offender resides. For classes held in a classroom setting, men and women are separated and do not attend classes together. The issues of power, control, manipulation, coercion and oppression are explored. In most cases, those attending the classes are required to pay a fee, which is usually based on a sliding scale.

Domestic violence classes are also available for the victims of domestic violence. These classes support and encourage the victim, and they attempt to help the victim understand that they are not at fault for the violence they suffer. Since domestic violence is cyclical in nature, these classes are designed to help victim's better see and identify their spouse or partners behavior patterns. It is often difficult, if not impossible, for the victim to escape the violent relationship based on a myriad of factors including fear, lack of resources, and children. Many domestic violence victims have been isolated from family and friends, and a support network is highly important to the victims healing process.

Whether court-ordered or self-referred, classes that address the causes and consequences of domestic violence can be beneficial for both the perpetrator and his or her victims.

Domestic Violence Classes

Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about Domestic Violence Classes [], please visit Stopping Spouse Abuse Site [] for current articles and discussions.


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