Thursday, September 1, 2011

Car Accidents and Whiplash Injuries

Automobile accidents occur every day with varying degrees of seriousness. Many accidents occur with the involved parties sustaining no injury whatsoever and little or no damage to personal property. Other accidents may feature serious injury and major property damage. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the accident, the risk of injury due to whiplash is extremely high.

indianapolis 500 evolution

Drivers often find themselves experiencing whiplash injuries even after minor collisions that caused little damage to their vehicles. Whiplash can occur even during low-impact collisions at low-speeds, and may seriously affect an individual's health. Individuals may not be immediately aware that they suffered injury, and may experience symptoms even 24 hours after the collision occurred.


Studies show that nearly 4 in 10 drivers suffered neck injury after collisions. The frequency of neck-injuries cost Americans significant amounts of money in medical costs, wage losses, and time spent during recovery and rehabilitation. Employers experience a lack of employee productivity and may be forced to pay disability benefits to employees who were injured in a work-related accident.

Whiplash symptoms often include:
o Headache
o Neck pain
o Swelling of the tissues around the neck
o Muscle spasms
o Shooting pain from the neck to the extremities
o Restricted range of motion

If you are injured in an auto accident, it is important to consult a medical professional for diagnosis, even if you do not feel immediate effects from the collision. If you choose not to seek medical attention, make sure to visit a physician if symptoms do appear.

Common home remedies for whiplash injuries include ice-packs on the tendons and muscles of the neck, and over-the-counter painkillers to help ease the pain and swelling. As with many other injuries, proper rest is often the best way to ensure a full recovery from the illness.

Individuals who have suffered a whiplash injury in a car accident may be eligible for disability benefits if they find themselves unable to work. Injuries may require the individual to take time off of work to recover and rehabilitate the injury, and the person may have reason to request disability benefits for the duration of their recovery. If you would like more information regarding whiplash injuries and disability, visit the website of the Indianapolis Social Security disability lawyers of the Charles D. Hankey Law Office.

Car Accidents and Whiplash Injuries

Joseph Devine


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