Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Is Construction Law?

Construction law in layman's term mainly deals with the rules and regulation that will help to solve the disputes between the seller and buyer of a house in a legal way. From the initial step of bidding a specific building project, till the signing of contracts, many legal procedures are involved. If either of the parties does not participate in this process in a legal way, then legal action can be taken by the court, when a petition is filed. One of the most important of these laws is the government contract law. Some construction projects come under the control of the federal government, while the others come under the control of state government. These projects must abide by the contract law.

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This law will also protect the laborers in the construction industry. Sudden accidents can lead to serious injuries in the workers. Hence the compensation scheme must be proposed for the victims. The workers' compensation law also falls under the construction law. In order to construct the building according he government norms and also to satisfy the needs of the buyer, the contractor must exhibit good workmanship. If a specific decision taken by the contractor modifies a large proportion of the building design, it must be legally communicated to the buyer and the buyer must approve such modifications. Similarly, according to the construction law, the owner must also have a mutual agreement and cooperation with the building contractor. The buyer must not indulge in any activity that might hinder the progress of the construction work. If such situations arise, the contractor can file a complaint against the buyer. There have been many cases, where either the contractor or the buyer has lodged complaints against the other.


ABA forum is considered to be one of the largest associations dealing with the construction industry and comprises of close to 6000 lawyers. There are special council to take control of the different features of the building. For instance there is a seismic safety council that takes care of the risk of building damage due to earthquake. There are special bodies to take care of the safety aspects like the installation of the fire alarms or extinguishers and to check the presence of emergency exits. HUD provides loans for building renovation. When the contractors gain this amount and cheat, case can be filed against the for fraud. There are specific codes like national plumbing code or standard electric code, which must be followed during the building construction.

What Is Construction Law?

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