Friday, August 26, 2011

New Orleans Saints Vs Indianapolis Colts in Superbowl 44

Playoff fever is getting ready in Indianapolis. The Colts already know that they will face the New Orleans Saints and a lot of fans are already looking forward to watching the Super Bowl 44. True blue Colts fans held their initial Indianapolis public meeting with regards to the playoff season at the Circle Center Mall.

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Autographs from the players and a playoff ticket raffle are the used as a lure. Fans were patiently willing to wait in line, even though everybody knows that the first Colts playoff game is still more than a week away. Fans that were there are also imagining the thrill of a Super Bowl appearance in Miami.


Paula Szczepanek a Colts super fan said Oh no, we do not have to go to Miami. But the Colts are. Surely, it would absolutely be worth the trip, Andrew Burrows said. He will not have to think twice about that.

A trip going to the Super Bowl is too costly for almost all the fans. But there are a lot of prepared Web sites with a lot of houses with pictures just waiting to be occupied by the arriving tourists, fans and the general public. If you've got a budget of about 1200 to 10,000 dollars a day Florida homeowners will provide you the keys to their wonderful houses over for the Super Bowl weekend.

For Jason Patterson, it will be dream come true, he is an avid Colts fan. He does not want to go to the Super Bowl unless the Colts will be playing there. But we are definitely going to be there, he said. On Craig's list, fans can look for a package that not only includes a place to stay for the weekend, but also a vehicle driver and a game ticket. The price tag for this package is only 3,000 dollars per person.

But another diehard Colts fan with the name of Nikki Gott might be going to the Super Bowl and not having to spend a single penny. She is hoping to, this is what she said. She is taking part of a contest right now. She is representing Indianapolis as the NFL Fandamonium Director. And all she needs to be is one of the top two vote getters on NFL-Monster, a website sponsor. She is now one of the eight finalists of the said contest and a ticket hopeful of the Super Bowl 44.

New Orleans Saints Vs Indianapolis Colts in Superbowl 44

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